This is event coordinator Esther from Alberta, I have
another corporate event update.
From Randall family park in Edmonton this week we had a very
enthusiastic group of approximately 130 accounting tax and consulting
professionals who brought their A-games to each of our standard CorporateCastaways challenges, including getting very creative with their custom flag
and face painting. Honorable mention for that station goes to the creativeness
of teams “Account-10s”, “Team 16’s daddy”, and “Donald Ducks”. The “Blind
leading the Blind” challenge continues to pose to be one of our more difficult
challenges for this group. It requires teams blindfolded to complete an
obstacle course with only the aid of the leader’s vocal instructions within a
set time frame. The shortest time was for team Dragons who, though it did come
down to a tug-of-war tie breaker, also came away with the overall win and an
amazing custom flag, authenticated in which they incorporated mud, burn marks
and over all castaway look. They ended the event with barbecue and beer while
swapping stories and experiences under the early evening sun, thus, ending
another successful Canadian Outback Adventures & Events Corporate
For more information on this physical and creative team
building event, or any of our other fabulous events, please visit or call
1-800-565-8735. Have a great day!