Thursday, November 12, 2015

Crime Investigators - Corporate Team Building Activity in Toronto

Hello, it’s Dolena from Canadian Outback Adventures & Events with another corporate event update.

Today we are in North York, Ontario, at the Black Creek Pioneer village where a local tech company has to solve a crime with our CrimeInvestigators event. This group of 25 proved to be very analytical. They examined each crime scene very carefully and collected all kinds of evidence. Some of which had nothing to do with the case, but this group showed you could never be too detail oriented. We received gum, scrap paper, basically, anything in their reach, showed up in our forensics lab. This group demonstrated major focus in the last bit of the activity where they calculated their findings and put together their final report. I think we may have found a great fall back career for some of the participants. By the end of the event, everyone was laughing and enjoyed the final presentations. Overall, this group had a great time and loved finishing their work day off with a unique team building event.

Please contact one of our events solutions experts to get more information about unique team building experiences like this one and visit our website –

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